
Denar za podnebje: Greta Thunberg prosi za pravice blagovne znamke!

Objavil: pokukajsi | 14.08.2020

Najprej protest, potem denar? Zdaj Greta Thunberg zaprosi za pravice do blagovne znamke? Pojasnimo.



Kaj je danes naredila Greta Thunberg pred dvema letoma? Nihče ne ve. Nikogar ni zanimalo.

Greta kdo?

Kako je tej mali švedski deklici v 18 mesecih uspelo preiti od povsem neznanega najstnika do Osebe leta, ki se v New Yorku sreča z Angelo Merkel, katere kanali družbenih medijev spremljajo tako ugledni ljudje, kot je Hillary Clinton.



Vir: männersache



Najprej ikona, nato blagovna znamka

Seveda je okoljsko gibanje "Petki za prihodnost", ki se širi in pridobiva na veljavi, zelo pomembno...

Zdaj je Gretina družina ustanovila fundacijo, "Stiftelsen The Greta Thunberg and Beata Ernman Foundation".

Skrbniki te fundacije so zdaj pri uradu Evropske unije za intelektualno lastnino (Euipo) vložili vlogo za zaščito naslednjih pogojev v skladu z zakonodajo o blagovnih znamkah.



Brez pohlepa, nasprotno

Zdaj bi lahko sumili na veliko trenje tega varstva pravic. Okolje? Kakorkoli, zasluženo! Vendar se zdi, da je ravno obratno.

Ravno zato, ker s temi izrazi služijo številni akterji, ki nimajo nobene zveze z Greto in njenim gibanjem, se fundacija zdaj želi braniti pred unovčenjem vprašanja podnebja.

Na primer, na Amazonu so majice z odtisi, kot so "Follow Greta", "Team Greta" ali "#fridaysforfuture".

Ni jasno, kdo bo dobil denar za to.

Vsekakor Greta in Co ne.

V objavi na Instagramu Greta podrobno razloži svojo motivacijo:



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Impostors, trademarks, commercial interests, royalties and foundation... First: Unfortunately there are still people who are trying to impersonate me or falsely claim that they "represent" me in order to communicate with high profile people, politicians, media, artists etc. Please be aware that this is happening and be extremely suspicious if you are contacted by ”me” or someone saying they ”represent” me. I apologize to anyone who has been contacted - and even misled - by this kind of behavior. Second: My name and the #FridaysForFuture movement are constantly being used for commercial purposes without any consent whatsoever. It happens for instance in marketing, selling of products and people collecting money in my and the movement’s name. That is why I’ve applied to register my name, Fridays For Future, Skolstrejk för klimatet etc as trademarks. This action is to protect the movement and its activities. It is also needed to enable my pro bono legal help to take necessary action against people or corporations etc who are trying to use me and the movement in purposes not in line with what the movement stands for. I assure you, I and the other school strikers have absolutely no interests in trademarks. But unfortunately it needs to be done. Fridays For Future is a global movement founded by me. It belongs to anyone taking part in it, above all the young people. It can - and must - not be used for individual or commercial purposes. And third: together with my family I’m setting up a foundation. It’s already registered and existing, but it not is not yet up and running. This is strictly nonprofit of course and there are no interests in philanthropy. It is just something that is needed for handling money (book royalties, donations, prize money etc) in a completely transparent way. For instance, taxes have to be paid before we can give them away to specified purposes and charities. This takes a lot of time and work, and when the foundation is fully up and running I will tell you more. The foundation’s aim will be to promote ecological, climatic and social sustainability as well as mental health. Love/ Greta

A post shared by Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg) on Jan 29, 2020 at 7:33am PST
